🎉Have A Prosperous 2025🥳

Hours of Operation & Production Schedule

Normal Business Hours on January 7th.

Our Normal Business Hours of Operation are Tuesday through Thursday, 10AM – 3PM Central Time. 

This means that this is the time we are “in office” to answer emails, process orders, taking care of paperwork etc. The rest of the days we're making products, formulating, testing, filling and shipping orders. The best way to reach us is via email. You can send us messages, ask questions, and request quotes, schedule phone consultations, etc. via email. We will be sure to answer within 24 hours during our Normal Business Hours of Operations. Feel free to reach out to us anytime at TexasWNBS@gmail.com.

Our Weekend Production Hours of Operation are Friday through Monday.

This means that during these days, we are making your products, testing your products and preparing them for shipping the following week. All orders received by close of business hours, each Thursday at 3 pm Central Time are put on the production schedule for the weekend.

As always, all orders are processed in the order in which they are received with priority given to:

Fast Track Private Label& Drop Ship Orders;
Large Pre-packed Ready To Label Orders;
Large Bulk Orders, followed by Small Bulk Orders and Samples.